复旦大学英文系 金乐涵
We Regret the narrative that “people should actively move out of their comfort zone.”
Prime Minister (PM) Speech
How many times have you heard people telling you, “Try it, maybe you'll like it. The worst thing is that you don't like it, and it's only the experience that you're losing. But if you win, you're getting a whole different life.” Today we're going to break this logical fallacy and tell you why stepping out of the comfort zone is actually a lie invented by capitalists and people who seem to be pushing your boundaries, but who are actually trying to give you more pressure.
First of all, definition. What does comfort zone mean? We believe that there are generally 4 types of comfort zones. The first one is to exceed your boundaries and physical fears. For example, if you're a person afraid of heights, skydiving is a way to step out of your comfort zone. The second type is about changing your discipline or field. For example, if you're not good at English and you decide to switch your major from math to English, or at least attend an English speaking contest, this is also stepping out of your comfort zone. Thirdly, maybe you exceed your ability by trying something extremely difficult for you. Finally, maybe you try to change your personality. For example, if you're an introverted person, you might try to act like you're extroverted and try to perform in a kind of way that makes people believe that you're out of your comfort zone.
So we can see that comfort comes from your personal traits, from your talents, from the inherent abilities that you have accumulated from all your life experiences, or from things that you are given by birth lottery and natural endowments. We believe that all these comforts are what make you who you are. All these comforts make people unique individuals that are different in society, and we believe that to keep people's individuality, it is good to encourage them to respect themselves.
Also, this is good on a societal level because encouraging people not to step out of their comfort zones means that society wouldn’t have any inherent bias or a criterion to value whether you are in your comfort zone or not. A lot of the time the definition of the comfort zone can be biased. For example, we don't tell extroverted people to become introverted. We don't think this is an act to step out of your comfort zone, because we have the inherent bias that in society, extroverted people are more welcomed and introverted people should step out of their comfort zone to become extroverted. We believe by imposing these kinds of criteria on people, it's actually a violation of people's personal freedom because these social narratives are pushing people to become who they don't want to be. And this kind of pressure doesn't work both ways. It doesn't push everybody, it only pushes certain parts of society who happen to have this kind of personality. We believe that this is simply coercion, and this is not fair.
Secondly, why is pressure bad for young people in society today, and why would encouraging them to go out of their comfort zones impose more pressure on them? So the first thing we need to know is that when we encourage people to step out of their comfort zones, we have the implication that the current you is not good enough. If you're good enough, why do you need to explore more things? Why do you need to expand your boundaries? So when we're encouraging people to step out of their comfort zones, we're basically saying the current you is not good enough. There are things that you need to improve on. You are not very a comprehensively developed person. Maybe you have certain traits and personalities. Maybe you're good at English, but you're not good at math. There are certain deficiencies or disadvantages of you that you need to fill up by exploring yourself, by the so-called moving out of your comfort zone. And we believe that this is the exact kind of social narrative that will inherently create a lot of pressure for young people, especially for us, a generation that grew up under the pressure of “you're not good enough”. Everyone is telling you that there are certain criteria that you need to fulfill. You need to get into a good university, you need to find a good job. There are so many things in this society that are pushing you already and the last thing we need is one more sort of pressure saying that you need to step out of your comfort zone, which is good for you. We believe that this social narrative is extremely harmful because it claims to be for your own good but actually doesn't respect your personal agency, and people would have very limited choices when they are encouraged under these narratives. Under our counter-narrative, people can still explore themselves. Nobody's going to criticize that. However, under the opposition's narrative, those who just want to stay in their comfort zones with good reasons are going to be coerced.
On an individual level, why do we say that it is extremely uncomfortable for people to be pushed for coerced? First of all, we see that there are 2 possible outcomes after you try stepping out of your comfort zone. The first one is, oh, it really feels so good. I love skydiving. It's going to become a new hobby. Maybe my life is going to be different. And the second is, I simply hate it. I won't try it again. So the thing that people say a lot is that it's worth it even if you don't like it. However, we believe that this is a kind of deception because the process itself is something that we're supposed to enjoy. If we try this new hobby and we find that we don't like it, what we're losing is a very important part of life itself. Because life is not about a successful outcome. It's not about finding the fanciest hobby in the world. It's about the accumulation of daily happiness. It's about the accumulation of these mundane moments that actually can make you happy instead of the fear beforehand. For example, if I try this new hobby, my fear would keep me up for 4 days. And during the process of trying, it makes my heart pound out of my chest, for I’m so nervous. Then after the process, because of all this pain, all this fear and nervousness I have suffered, I have to deceive myself. Oh, it's all worth it. At least I tried it. We believe that these kinds of mindsets are especially harmful to people because it gives them a kind of artificial goal in their lives, to always explore more, to always break their comfort zones. But what they're missing out on is life itself.
And also we believe that this kind of narrative is going to be utilized by capitalist exploitation. Why is that? Because notice that stepping out of your comfort zone is very similar to when your boss tells you that all you need to do is work hard. The reason why you're so tired is that you are exceeding your natural boundaries, that you are making some breakthroughs, and that you're doing the best job that you can offer. These kinds of encouragement are the last thing we want because it encourages people to be put on the eternal treadmill of an everlasting fulfillment of their desires, because it tells them that they have to be in a state of constant exploration, of constant tiredness in order to be considered a full individual in this society.
And lastly, I would like to talk about productivity. So we can see that a lot of the fields in our society today actually involve huge types of dedication. For example, if you are a doctor and you want to make medical breakthroughs, then you can’t just keep trying new hobbies and diverting yourself with other kinds of things that maybe you don't even like in the first place. Only by dedication can humanity achieve more scientific breakthroughs. And we believe that in the end, people should not be means to attain a forever unfulfilling goal. Instead, they should ends in themselves. Thank you.