2023“外研社·国才杯” “理解当代中国”全国大学生外语能力大赛定题视频解析!
外研社·国才杯” “理解当代中国”全国大学生外语能力大赛定题演讲赛题发布!让我们通过官方发布的定题演讲视频来解剖一下此次大赛的赛题吧!以下是大赛官方赛题视频的介绍!
China, a vast and beautiful land in East Asia, boasts a history of over 5,000 years.Its industrious and intelligent people created its own civilization, shining brilliantlywith its distinctive and unmatched characteristics. We Chinese people call our motherland, Zhongguo, the central country;Zhonghua, the central beauty;Huaxia, the beautiful grandeur, and Shengzhou, the divine state.The Japanese, 中国です, the Vietnamese, Trung quốc, and the Korean, 중국, are all pronounced similarly to Zhongguo. Zhongguo is called China in English, Chine in French, الصين in Arabic, and Cina in Italian, which are believed to have been named after the Qin dynasty, the first united kingdom of China founded more than 2,000 years ago. The ancient Greeks and Romans gave it the name "Seres", which means "the land where silk comes from", and where our ancestors opened the transcontinental passage known today as the Silk Road. Since its early days, China has adapted and changed through discovery and innovation. In many fields, China has made great achievements and created extensive knowledge, forming its own way of knowing, thinking, understanding, and living, which has had a profound impact on the world. Chinese civilization as an inclusive and integrated whole has also been enriched by dynamic interactions with other civilizations. The immense and timeless values of Chinese civilization have not only been inspiring the Chinese people to pursue a better life through hard work and intelligence, but also contributing to the development of the whole of humanity. In modern times, from the mid-19th century to the first half of the 20th century, China was beset by invasions of foreign powers and chaos from within.Yet, the heroic Chinese people never stopped searching for a way towards national renewal and prosperity. The Communist Party of China, since the day of its founding, has undertaken the mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and leading them to strive for rejuvenation.When the new day dawned on October 1, 1949, the Chinese people, about one-fourth of the world population, who had been weighed down by calamities, stood up proudly in the East. People's Republic of China was founded, and we called it New China. China then came into its contemporary age and embarked on a journey to socialist modernization. Contemporary China, over the past seven decades, has been modernizing itself by exploring and practicing with its own wisdom and its distinctive approaches, and has become the second largest economy in the world.In 2021, it realized the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. With stronger confidence, the Chinese people are progressing on a new journey towards the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be realized by a Chinese path to modernization with Chinese characteristics on its own conditions. The modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all, the modernization of material and cultural ethical advancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development. Make a speech to demonstrate your understanding of one of the five characteristics of the Chinese path to modernization. Please give your own title.
一、 促进经济增长。中国政府坚持以市场为导向,鼓励企业家精神和创新,实行开放政策,吸引外资和技术,全力推动经济发展。
二、 加强社会保障。中国政府建立了全国性的社会保障体系,包括医疗保险、养老保险、失业保险等,使人民可以更加安心地生活。
三、 加大扶贫力度。中国政府近年来在扶贫工作方面投入了大量精力和资金,取得了一定的成效。通过发展教育、扶持农业等措施,帮助贫困人口脱贫致富。
四、 推进教育改革。中国政府加大对教育事业的投入,提高教育水平和质量,推动教育公平,为全体人民提供更好的教育资源。
五、 加强环境保护。中国政府在实现经济增长的同时,也致力于保护环境,加强环境治理,推动可持续发展。